“Save American College” has come to stay as our slogan. Slogans are war-cries and are deeply emotive. They mobilize a lot of energy for immediate attack. They are symbols that simplify otherwise complex justification for action. They easily define a target or ‘other’ an enemy. On the negative side, slogans are very partisan. They remove the element of reflexivity in our thought and anaesthetize our senses against our own mistakes. Slogans are short-lived and easily become relics. Thus they make a mockery of the original vision. It is imperative therefore that in fighting for a cause, we often undertake reality checks so that our sloganeering does not make us false prophets and hypocrites.
When Bishop Asir and his cronies made a diabolic attempt to take over the college beginning April 2008, he justified his actions in the name of the Church. With wailing and breast-beating he said, “Principal Chinnaraj is taking the college away from the Church”. Like a medieval crusader he launched violent physical attacks, rioted inside the campus, foisted false cases, got the Principal dismissed through a fake council and in this process abused maximum, the process of law and law courts. Though the Church had its own axe to grind, Bishop Asir did everything primarily for personal gain and aggrandizement. He cunningly concealed his personal motives behind the voice of the Church. He used the resources of the Church and its authority for muzzling down anyone who came in his way. Finally, he shamelessly gifted away the college to his son-in-law. And he was gone by February 2012.
But the problem lingers. The most frequently asked question now is that why the much weakened son-in-law Davamani who is illegally occupying the chair of the Principal of the American College is not able to be removed. If we must answer this query, we need to tell a story that has two sides. First, legal or illegal, Bishop Asir managed to give the kiss of life to an old grudge that was lying dormant in the heart of the Church for long. It is nothing but the unfinished task of appropriating and assimilating into its fold all those autonomous institutions of Christian Higher Education founded by Missionaries prior to the formation of CSI in 1948. Moderator Deivakadatcham is sharply aware of this now and is thankful to the departed brother Bishop for handing him over a noble cause. However civil and subtle, Moderator Kadatcham is also a crusader. It is not the love he has for Davamani but the good excuse he finds in him for the Church makes him openly support him. No wonder he said “Davamani obeys like a child”. Davamani survives. We shall return to this new crusade of the Church later.
We will now narrate the other side of the story, how ‘Save American College’ movement lost so much of its cutting edge in general and bargaining power in particular with the new crusader, Moderator Deivakadatcham. The slogan has been so romanticized and idealized that it looks as if every other soul in American College is committed to liberal Christian values, inclusiveness of religion and caste and autonomy of the College from the Church. This is far from reality. There are many internal enemies to the cause whom we have handled soft so far, for the sake of general unity.
When I think of this plight, what comes to my mind is the story of the Trojan Horse, a popular Greek myth which all of us know. I want to recollect it here for you again from Homer’s Odyssey. The Greeks were fighting the battle hardy Trojans for almost ten years. Though the Greeks won many battles, they could not take the well fortified city of Troy which was their ultimate aim. Weary of the battles, they finally derived a clever strategy. Taking advantage of Trojan veneration for the horse, they played a trick. They built a huge wooden horse with a big hollow in its belly. They packed the belly with lethal fighters captained by Odysseus. The entire Greek force left the scene of battle faking a retreat but leaving the wooden horse and a Greek guard by name Sinon. When Trojans came opening the gates of the fort, they saw the horse and Sinon.  Sinon wailed and cried and said that the Greeks had mercilessly left him behind with the order to guard the horse and tell the Trojans that they had left the wooden horse as an offering to the Trojan goddess Athena praying for atonement. Believing that, the Trojans took the horse and Sinon into the city. In the night, when the Trojans were asleep, Sinon opened the belly of the horse and the Greeks came out and slew the Trojans and opened the gates of the fort for the Greek forces. Trojans lost.
The phrase Trojan Horse has come to stay with us now. It refers to a person or an element that weakens an organization covertly from within especially in collusion with or under the instruction of an enemy. Whenever I think of the predicament of American College, interestingly it is not one Trojan Horse, but several Trojan Horses that come to my mind. These are faculty leaders who when in open ostentatiously make tall claims about the independence and autonomy of the college. But in reality, they by deceit search for, or hold roots, in the nasty Church politics. (Mind you, I make a clear distinction between the true involvement in the Church and the quest for power within the Church which is unchristian). The levers of power these people gain in the church, they use to seek positions in the college. Some of these people only colluded with Bishop Asir and shocked the academic fraternity through their betrayals.
When Vice-Principal George Selvakumar defected overnight, locked up the Principal’s room and illegally declared himself to be the principal in a military-style coup on the fateful April 12, 2008, he did it in the name of the College Constitution and ‘save the college from Devil Chinnaraj’. Another one from the same clan swore on the MUTA floor that he would be the first person to lock the gate against Bishop Asir and go on fasting in protest against any attempted takeover. Ironically however this Trojan Horse, on the night of April 19, 2008, brought in its belly a pack of violent goons armed with sticks and clubs who rioted inside the campus before the ban order was promulgated by the police. He was later rewarded with the second-in-command position by the regime which was in illegal occupation of the College for about a year. Now retired, he is happy using the label of his former position as prefix and suffix with his name. (Retirement syndrome).
The worst Trojan Horse tragedy is the most recent one. It unfortunately involved a leader chosen by the will of the struggling faculty; a rising star unlike the previous one who was to show a new horizon for the college; a victim of treachery as he claimed to be, was always boastful of his baptism by  fire. The magical power of the Moderator however was so great. Like Karnanof Mahabharatha who gifted away to Lord Indra his in-born armour and ear-rings, our fire-born leader too gifted away his armour to the Moderator. He made a secret covenant with him that he would never make his claim to the Principal ship in contestation with Davamani, the anointed one by the Church. Neither would he hold the ‘rival Council Meeting’. Of course each one has his own style of playing Trojan Horse in the College. No wonder the College is weak before the Church.
Anyway, I want the readers to understand an important truth. ‘Christian Leadership’ is totally different from ‘leadership in Church Politics’.
What does then ‘Save American College’ mean for us today?
(To be continued).


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