
This morning I got up troubled in spirit with thoughts about the plight of The American College. My faith as a Christian, the beliefs, doctrines and principles that I have been taught by the word of God (The Holy Bible), my parents and very few “true pastors” was put into question. I thought about what had happened to Christian values? Oh! For those who want to know what Christian values are, I cannot, but ask them to read it straight from the Holy Bible, than to listen from any human being, for the very reason of it being imputed by the human mind. (This I say because a lot many Christians are used to listening to the preachings of the bishop and his cronies every Sunday).  I fret to say anything without referring to the verses directly from the word of God,

Do not be carried away by all kinds of strange teachings. It is good for our hearts to be strengthened by grace, not by ceremonial foods, which are of no value to those who eat them - Hebrews 13:9

What do the ‘seemingly weak but strong in hearts’ like Dr. Silas portray as a Christian to all of us? (I used the phrase because for a below average human mind, “meek” appears as “weak”). Meekness isn’t weakness, my beloved friends.

Again from the Bible,
Blessed are the meek; for they shall inherit the earth. - Mathew 5:5

 “INHERIT THE EARTH” wow as it may sound again to the below average human mind who may comprehend it as “inheriting acres of land”. They pray fervently this prayer alone—“Help us who have received so freely from you to give as freely in our turn, and so have the pleasure of giving as well as the happiness of receiving. Amen”—for by this they are able to delude people to be emotionally moved to offer all the little they have at the altar and then they say—“we return to you Lord, what we have received from you”

Every damn activity in a CSI church is with the mercenary motive. We have two-time offertory in the churches, harvest festival, etc. etc all for the bishop and his descendants to store up for themselves. Oh my dear friends, the Lord himself calls such people

"You snakes! You brood of vipers! How will you escape being condemned to hell?” Mathew 23:33

Why so???? Because all that the Lord called for—purity in mind, purity in hearts, purity in living is lost inside the very temple of God / church (supposed to be the body of Christ).

We have caste discrimination, class differentiation, adultery happening, the church funds are cunningly ransacked and so much more. From the biblical perspective, amassing wealth like this is a terrible abuse of power.

I am hassled to refer my dear friends to this instance, but thank God, it’s the Holy Bible that says it all -

There was a priest in those days named Eli.

Eli's sons were wicked men; they had no regard for the LORD. …
This sin of the young men was very great in the LORD's sight, for they were treating the LORD's offering with contempt. I Samuel 2:12

A sad sight….nothing brings greater reproach on Christianity than minister’s covetousness, sensuality and imperiousness.

Be astonished, O heavens, at this, and tremble, O earth!

No words can sufficiently express the villany of such practices.
And this is not much different from what is happening with the bishops in churches today (CSI ofcourse is in the forefront).

Those we are meant to trust in stewarding OUR wealth do no such thing but have been gambling it away and such is what has been happening with The American College.

Eli’s sons, Hophni and Phinehas (who were also priests) were principally guilty. God gave them sufficient to feed them, but they made themselves fat and served their lusts with that which God was to be served with

They feed on the sins of my people and relish their wickedness.
Hosea 4:8

We cannot escape from a settled and standing rule of God’s government, according to which, all must expect to be dealt with; (like that by which Cain was tried, If you do what is right, will you not be accepted? But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you must rule over it. Genesis 4:7)

Them that honour Me, I will honour; and they that despise Me, shall be lightly esteemed Psalms 18:25, 26

Particularly be it spoken
  1. To the everlasting reputation of religion and serious godliness, that it gives honour to God and puts honour on men
  2. Be it spoken to the everlasting reproach of impiety and profaneness, that this dishonours God and will bring dishonour on men, for they that despise God shall be lightly esteemed.

They shall see themselves despised by all mankind, their names a reproach; when they are gone, their memory shall rot and when they rise again, it shall be to everlasting shame and contempt. Psalm 79:12

The prophet Samuel foretells the particular judgements, which should come on Eli’s family to its perpetual ignominy. A  terrible curse it is; and shows how jealous God is in the matters of his worship and how ill He takes it, when those who are obliged, by their character and profession, to preserve and advance the interests of his glory, are false to their trust and betray them. If God’s ministers be vicious and profane, how much surer punishment will they be thought worthy of, here and forever, than other sinners!

Let such read the doom here passed on Eli’s house and tremble.

[I write this not because I consider myself clean in the sight of God and men, but because His grace has been abounding in me and I am saved by His grace. Far be it that my fellow non-Christians think that profaneness in Christianity is tolerated, not because they ought to think so, but because our bishops and his cronies make it seem so!]


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