Recently there was a news item in THE HINDU (dated 29-10-2011) entitled "New Principal for American College" . It was shocking to some and confusing to many but the truth is neither. 

It is well known that after the recent Judgment of Justice Chandru, the Tamil Nadu Government is taking all steps to release the salary for all the staff members of the American College. [Only the Bishop's group moved the court to allow its candidate Mr. R. Mohan to release the salary and they miserably failed in their attempt] 

Earlier the Government sent a show cause notice to Bishop Asir and Mr. R. Mohan, in which one of the statements was that their Governing Council is NOT valid and hence Mr. R. Mohan could NOT be the Principal-in-Charge. Bishop's group went to court to quash it by stating that the "government does not have powers to send a show-cause notice to minority institutions". Justice Chandru in his judgement directed the government to enact new laws to have control over minority colleges especially those getting government aids.

The above facts clearly reiterate that Mr. R. Mohan is NOT the Principal-in-Charge  and the government has NOT recognized their Governing Council. There are civil cases pending in the lower court to validate the authenticity of the Governing Council of the Bishop's group. The Hindu news paper has already published these information before and they too very well know these facts. 

Gajini vs Asir

India was possibly the richest country in the world, before Gajini looted the country. Since 1000 AD till 1026, he made a total of 17 attempts to establish his regime in India with the objective of plundering the riches of temples and palaces and he was not really interested in expanding his empire to India. 
         Asir started his first attempt to take over The American College in 2008. Since then he has been making several attempts to take over the college. With his 'own group of warriors' (governing council members) formed on 19th April 2008, till now he has made several attempts in the form of passing several resolutions, passing several orders.Several times he tried to dethrone and tried to enthrone 'new kings' to rule the college. The fact is, he could NOT succeed anything and he is NOT going to succeed in the future either. 
Neither the government nor the legal system has so far approved of his 'illegal' attempts. 

      Asir has proclaimed his son-in-law Davamani to be the new Principal-in-charge of the college. His ulterior motive has surfaced now. He has made his son-in-law the 'king' to establish his family rule in the college, with an aim NOT to bring the college to glory but to loot the college and make the college his 'family' property.

Why should Asir do this now? 
He has done this now in total desperation. 
For him it is a 'Do or Die' situation now. 
Bishop Asir is going to retire in December 2012 and he is going to loose all his official powers by May 2012. 

Normally the Governing Council would meet in the month of May to select the new Principal. Asir very well know the fact that none of his (illegal) governing Council members would support him if he convenes a Governing Council meeting in May 2012 to elect his son-in-law as the Principal of the college.  

Mr. R. Mohan (who was illegally installed as the Principal-in-charge by the Bishop on 10th December 2010) is retiring in December 2011.

That is why he has done it now. 

There is nothing more to it.

Asir has reached a 'climax' and soon will be 'ejected' out of power.

Poor Asir!

He will never succeed.. 

No one will ever accept his son-in-law as the chieftain.


  "For a bishop must be blameless, as the steward of God; not selfwilled, not soon angry, not given to wine, no striker, not given to filthy lucre"
                                                                - Titus, Chapter 1, 007

What is the need for a reputed news paper like "THE HINDU" to publish this news item.

Who is the beneficiary? 


New Principal for American College
Special Correspondent , 29-10-2011     THE HINDU, PAGE 3

 M. D. Christober has been elected new Principal and secretary of American College here on Friday. He assumed charge immediately after the selection process was over in the evening.

A three-member search committee conducted the selection process which was subsequently approved by the college's governing council. Dr. Christober is presently the Bursar of American College and is an associate professor in the Department of Mathematics. He will succeed R. Mohan, the acting Principal since last December.

According to sources, eight candidates attended the interview before the search committee and two were shortlisted after which voting was conducted for the governing council members to make their choice. The two shortlisted names were handed over to the governing council in the afternoon. The governing council meeting was attended by 12 members, including Madurai Kamaraj University nominee S. Perumal.

Earlier in the day, the Bishop of Madurai-Ramnad Diocese Christopher Asir had entrusted the selection process responsibility to Devakadaksham, the CSI Bishop of Kanyakumari.

The three members on the search committee were Bishop Devakadaksham and the general secretary of All Indian Christian Higher Education Forum general secretary Daniel Ezhilarasu, besides college governing council member Fernandes Rathnaraja, an advocate. In the evening when the election was held, 47-year-old Dr. Christober, who secured six votes in the governing council meeting, was the final choice.

“I am serving in the American College for the past 18 years. My aim is to make this leading educational institution of Madurai as a college par excellence. I wish that peace and tranquillity prevails in the campus,” he said when contacted.

Thanks for reading "DEVIL'S OWN" PROCLAMATION!

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