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Greedy Bishop’s Idotic Talks and Wrongful Actions...

Dear Readers,

Here I bring to you a 7 page ‘hand bill’ circulated among Diocese of Madurai-Ramnad CSI Church members. I happened to receive one of it and ‘enjoyed’ reading it. This hand bill entitled “Greedy Bishop’s Idotic Talks and Wrongful Actions” seem to have been released by 'Diocese Sanitary Guards' (the real ‘cleaners’ of the Diocese from the clutches of the corruption soaked ‘evil’ force that is administering the Diocese now).
The hand bill enlists the atrocious activities of the Bishop Asir and his family, misappropriating CSI Funds and looting the CSI money and using CSI school teachers as thugs for his personal gain etc.
As the CSI Bishop Asir is going to retire soon, a strong force within the CSI is gaining momentum against Bishop Asir and his team. 
Let God protect this 'cleaning' force, bless this group and help this group to bring a clean corruption free, God fearing & God serving administration in the near future.

-- Saheyu

Thanks for reading Greedy Bishop’s Idotic Talks and Wrongful Actions...

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